Imagine Canada – Trust & Impact

Ayer, S., & Anderson, P. (2022). Trust & Impact: Funders’ Perspectives on Unrestricted Funding in Canada. Imagine Canada. From the report: “The lack of unrestricted funding has been lamented by nonprofit leaders for more than a decade. But the pendulum has perhaps started to swing again, with the first signs of increases to unrestricted funding […]

IVAR – The holy grail of funding

Firth, L., Cairns, B., Hopgood, R., & Rooney, K. (2021). The holy grail of funding: Why and how foundations give unrestricted funding. IVAR, November 2021 From the website: “Through the voices of trustees and senior staff from 12 trusts and foundations, we argue that whatever your constraints, and however far along the journey you are, […]

What is unrestricted funding?

The Conversation, July 2021 In this piece for The Conversation, philanthropy experts Genevieve Shaker and Pamala Wiepking explain the definition and context of unrestricted funding. Read the article here

Hung & Berrett – Service Delivery Under Pressure: The Effect of Donor-Imposed Financial Restrictions

Hung, C., & Berrett, J. (2021). Service Delivery Under Pressure: The Effect of Donor-Imposed Financial Restrictions. Public Performance & Management Review, 44(3), 580-601. Abstract (from the website):Nonprofits continue to be faced with the pressure to succeed under financial restrictions. While donors assert that financial restrictions help nonprofit service delivery, nonprofit professionals claim that financial restrictions […]

GDL-inkomsten en financiële gezondheid (Dutch)

Als goede doelen beneficiant worden van de Postcode Loterij of de VriendenLoterij kunnen zij meer uitgeven aan fondsenwerving en zijn zij financieel gezonder. Tot deze conclusie kwam Gosha Hooghiemstra in haar masterscriptie, waarin ze data bestudeerde van het CBF. De volledige scriptie is hier te vinden: Hooghiemstra, Gosha (2021) Inkomsten van goede doelen Een dynamisch […]

De effecten van GDL-inkomsten op andere inkomensstromen van goede doelen (Dutch)

Wat gebeurt er met andere inkomsten van goede doelen als zijn beneficiant worden van de Postcode Loterij of de VriendenLoterij? In zijn masterscriptie gaat Michiel Klaver in op deze vraag, en laat hij een complex beeld zien van de dynamiek tussen verschillende inkomstenstromen.  De volledige scriptie is hier te vinden: Klaver, Michiel (2021) De effecten […]

(In)equality through Unrestricted Grantmaking

The Foundation Review, August 2021 This peer-reviewed publication is based on Olivier Hunnik’s master thesis on trust and power in the collaboration between the Dutch Charity Lotteries and their grantees. The article featured in a special issue of The Foundation Review on ‘Shifting Power in Philanthropy’. Read the article here. Key points Since 1989, the […]

Leaving it to trust

Alliance Magazine, June 2021 For the June 2021 edition of Alliance Magazine, Pamala Wiepking wrote a piece on her professorship. She analyzes the state of knowledge on unrestricted funding, identifies gaps in the literature, and encourages researchers and practitioners to engage in conversations on the pros and cons of unrestricted funding. Read the article here.

Vlog: Vrij besteedbare financiering (Dutch)

Normaal organiseert het Centrum voor Filantropische Studies op de Dag van de Filantropie een symposium. In 2021 werd gekozen voor een andere vorm: alle onderzoekers maakten vlogs over hun projecten. Arjen de Wit nam deze video op, waarin hij de onderzoeksagenda en eerste resultaten presenteert van het onderzoek naar vrij besteedbare financiering: wat zijn de […]

ChiaKo Hung – Restricted Revenues and Nonprofit Service Delivery

Hung, ChiaKo (2021). ‘Restricted Revenues and Nonprofit Service Delivery: The Roles of Financial Discretion’. Voluntas 32, 136–150. Abstract (from the website):“The proposition that restricted revenues inhibit nonprofit service delivery by reducing their financial discretion has accumulated in the academic literature but has not been empirically tested. Using a sample of arts and culture nonprofits […]