Filantropie vanuit vertrouwen – Folders (PDF)

❇️ Wij hebben een folder gemaakt om een overzicht te geven van Filantropie vanuit vertrouwen voor zowel fondsen als fondsenwervende organisaties ❇️ 📄 Vind hier de PDF-versie voor fondsen | voor fondsenwervende organisaties
What is Community-Centric Fundraising?

From website: Prioritize Communities, Reimagine Fundraising Community-Centric Fundraising is a fundraising model that is grounded in equity and social justice. We prioritize the entire community over individual organizations, foster a sense of belonging and interdependence, present our work not as individual transactions but holistically, and encourage mutual support between nonprofits. Read the article online here
What is Community-Based Philanthropy?

From website: What do we mean by community philanthropy? Community philanthropy is an essential part of the architecture for locally-owned development because it builds on assets that already exist within communities rather than depending only on what comes from outside. The logic of community philanthropy is simple: It is based on the idea that all […]
Participatory Grantmaking Community

From website: Who Are We? Founded in March 2020 as an informal group of a dozen people, the Participatory Grantmaking Community has grown to more than 1,400 people in 73 different countries. Our members represent a wide range of actors within philanthropy and the social sector. Read the article online here
What is Trust-Based Philanthropy?

From website: Trust-based philanthropy advances a just and equitable society by alleviating the inherent power imbalances between funders, nonprofits, and communities. With a commitment to shifting power, advancing equity, and building mutually accountable relationships, trust-based philanthropy positions funders as collaborators working alongside nonprofits to meet the needs and dreams of communities who are most removed […]
Miller – Hidden in Plain Sight: Understanding Capital Structure

Miller, C. (2003). Hidden in Plain Sight: Understanding Capital Structure. Nonprofit Quarterly, Spring 2003. In this contribution for Nonprofit Quarterly, Clara Miller discusses the capital structure of nonprofits. She discusses how core business is different from programs, how donations can be restricted, and much more. A very insightful primer on different types of capital in […]
CEP – Emerging Impacts

Buteau, E., Smith Arrillaga, E., & Im, C. (2023). Emerging Impacts: The Effects of MacKenzie Scott’s Large, Unrestricted Gifts. The Center for Effective Philanthropy. From the CEP website: “In just three years, MacKenzie Scott gave more than $14 billion in unrestricted support to more than 1,600 organizations. Her gifts have often come as a surprise […]
Webinar: Is vrij besteedbare financiering van organisaties effectief? (Dutch)

Op 14 december 2023 waren we te gast in een webinar van Goede Doelen Nederland, de brancheorganisatie van erkende goede doelen in Nederland. Het webinar maakte deel uit van de serie ‘Nieuwe inzichten uit de wetenschap’. Onder leiding van moderator Deny de Jong praatten we een uur lang over ons onderzoek en de implicaties daarvan […]
Civil Power 2023 (Dutch)

Presentatie Pamala Wiepking over het belang van vrij besteedbare financiering voor zowel fondsenwervende als financierende organisaties. Civil Power 2023 – Vrij besteedbare financiering
Unrestricted funding and nonprofit capacities: Developing a conceptual model

Unrestricted or flexible funding practices are increasingly popular among funders. There is initial empirical support for the assumption that fewer donor-imposed restrictions on funding have positive outcomes for nonprofit capacities, including the ability to better deal with external shocks such as presented by the COVID-19 crisis. However, academic literature on the consequences of donor-imposed restrictions […]