Miller – Hidden in Plain Sight: Understanding Capital Structure

Miller, C. (2003). Hidden in Plain Sight: Understanding Capital Structure. Nonprofit Quarterly, Spring 2003. In this contribution for Nonprofit Quarterly, Clara Miller discusses the capital structure of nonprofits. She discusses how core business is different from programs, how donations can be restricted, and much more. A very insightful primer on different types of capital in […]

CEP – Emerging Impacts

Buteau, E., Smith Arrillaga, E., & Im, C. (2023). Emerging Impacts: The Effects of MacKenzie Scott’s Large, Unrestricted Gifts. The Center for Effective Philanthropy. From the CEP website: “In just three years, MacKenzie Scott gave more than $14 billion in unrestricted support to more than 1,600 organizations. Her gifts have often come as a surprise […]

Webinar: Is vrij besteedbare financiering van organisaties effectief? (Dutch)

Op 14 december 2023 waren we te gast in een webinar van Goede Doelen Nederland, de brancheorganisatie van erkende goede doelen in Nederland. Het webinar maakte deel uit van de serie ‘Nieuwe inzichten uit de wetenschap’. Onder leiding van moderator Deny de Jong praatten we een uur lang over ons onderzoek en de implicaties daarvan […]

Civil Power 2023 (Dutch)

Presentatie Pamala Wiepking over het belang van vrij besteedbare financiering voor zowel fondsenwervende als financierende organisaties. Civil Power 2023 – Vrij besteedbare financiering    

Unrestricted funding and nonprofit capacities: Developing a conceptual model

Unrestricted or flexible funding practices are increasingly popular among funders. There is initial empirical support for the assumption that fewer donor-imposed restrictions on funding have positive outcomes for nonprofit capacities, including the ability to better deal with external shocks such as presented by the COVID-19 crisis. However, academic literature on the consequences of donor-imposed restrictions […]

SmartyGrants – Unrestricted funding: Why grantmakers need it

Richardson, K., Wiepking, P., & Presse, J. (2023). Unrestricted funding: Why grantmakers need it. Melbourne, Australia: Our Community Pty Ltd. If you’re serious about making a big difference to the organisations you support, you must consider including unrestricted grants in your funding mix. These “no strings attached” funds allow grantees to spend the money as […]

IVAR – Making the case for unrestricted funding

Cairns, B., & Firth, L. (2023). Making the case for unrestricted funding: A summary of key points for foundation staff and Boards. IVAR UK. From the IVAR website: “Our new briefing summaries the key points from our research to help grantmakers and Boards to consider and make the case for unrestricted funding.  The evidence is […]

IVAR – Why restrict grants?

Mills, C. (2023). Evidence review: Why restrict grants? London: Institute for Voluntary Action Research From the IVAR website: “This review explores contrasting rationales for restricted and unrestricted funding – and whether they are substantiated by evidence. We found that: Restricted funding has not earned its place as the dominant funding model. Our evidence review makes […]

IVAR – Get the basics right: Findings from the Funding Experience Survey

Firth, L., Rooney, K., Moran, R., Cairns, B., & Dyson, E. (2022). Get the basics right: Findings from the Funding Experience Survey. IVAR. From the IVAR website: “Through the Funding Experience Survey, more than 1,200 charities shared what they feel are open and trusting grant-making practices – and why they matter. In sharing their practical […]

Vrij besteedbare financiering en personeel van goede doelen (Dutch)

Als goede doelen partner worden van de Postcode Loterij of de VriendenLoterij geven zij meer uit aan personeel, maar hebben zij niet meer fte in dienst. Tot die conclusie kwam Emily van Eijk in haar masterscriptie op basis van analyses op longitudinale data. De volledige scriptie is hier te vinden: Van Eijk, Emily (2022) Het […]